Designed and Made in Loreto Italy – KEY RING – ST CHRISTOPHER & GUARDIAN ANGEL
St. Christopher is known as the patron saint of safe travels. This patronage came about because of the legend of St. Christopher carrying the disguised Christ-child across a river. As a result, the name Christopher means “Christ-bearer.”
St. Christopher has many different patronages Including:
- Patron of Travelers
- Patron of Bachelors
- Patron of Motorists and Drivers
- Patron of Transportation workers
- Patron of Gardeners
Most famously he is regarded as the patron saint of travelers. His protection is sought for drivers, pilots, boaters, and transportation workers.
Guardian Angel
One of the beautiful and consoling teachings of the Catholic Church is that God has given each one of us a guardian angel to lead us on the path to salvation. Beside each believer stands an Angel as protector and shepherd, leading him to life. Angels are pure spirits